Prayers of the People - From March 19, 2017

Here are the prayers for the Prayers of the People portion of our Sunday Gathering last Sunday:


Father, we thank you for this opportunity to come together to worship you.

We thank you for the brothers and sisters who work faithfully to make this opportunit a reality at Trinity City Church. 

Father we thank you that you use broken people to do beautiful things. 

God we are so thankful that when we were lost and stuck in our filth, that you adopted us, and now you now call us your sons and daughters. 

We pray that with this mindset that we would see the broken, the hateful, the unlovely, and that we would love them. 

We ask that your Holy Spirit would indwell us and give us a love that overcomes hate and fear. 

We pray that your Holy Spirit would shine through us in this dark world, that we wouldn't be another group with an agenda, but that we would be a people transformed by your power. 

We pray that Trinity would begin to resemble the first church in Acts, that we would be united in serving each other and those around us. 

We thank you for Jesus, for his example of what a true servant looks like. We ask for the strength to emulate that kind of service for this church.

Lord, in your mercy.

Hear our prayers. 

We pray for those within the church who are or feel disconnected. They are not forgotten by you or us. We pray for singles, people who are struggling with or coming out of addictions, couples who are struggling with infertility, and for many other stories we could name. 

We pray for a boldness to go towards other people. We pray they would fight against the feeling of being pushed to the edges of the church. We pray for a single mindedness toward you, and what you are doing in their lives. This is a sacred thing and we forget that. Father, it's so easy to see what you're not doing in our lives, to see you as not working, it takes effort and fortitude to not retreat away. Father, Jesus, and Holy Spirit, we are asking you to send away the despair and insecurities that make us prone to do our unhealthy lives. We've become comfortable in our sin or complacency.

Would you be a shield about them, protecting them from the arrows of judgement; judgement from others, satan, and especially from themselves – that they would fight for the light in the dark nights of their soul. Especially for those who are wandering through the dessert, questioning you and doubting you. You have given them these circuitous routes, and yet, we pray they could also see the manna you provide, the water you give from a rock, how you lead them with a cloud by day, a fire by night. how you provide provision that is careful, intentional, and intensely personal. You have the power to bring about your promises – whenever it pleases you. May they seek to be led by you and look forward to the day when their sun shall no more go down, nor the moon withdraw itself; for the Lord will be their everlasting light. As they ache and feel your timing that is not their timing, as they feel the brokenness in this world, may they ultimately long for heaven, and long for Jesus to come. In many things and in many ways, please bring healing. Finally, we pray for mercy in not leading them into temptation but delivering them from evil. The battle of physicality and strength is real. Help them to choose that God knows what's best for them, trusting his laws and commands are for their blessing and joy in following him.

For all of us God, may your love be more compelling than that of this world, that you would strengthen those to follow after your will and still have hope, in and for the long haul. May we find our worth and healing in the safest of places.

Lord, in your mercy.

Hear our prayers.

We pray for our political leaders. Men and women who have been entrusted with leadership over our country, states, cities, and towns. We pray that they would be given wisdom, humility, and ability to lead where they have been called to lead. Give them servants hearts that work for the common good vs their own name and career. Give them understanding to solve difficult and complex problems. Give them the ability to inspire those that they lead to join in unity the effort to preserve the good things that you have blessed this country with, but also to renew what which is broken and in need of renewal. Give them fortitude to persevere in doing what is right when things are difficult, but also humility to repent when they err.

Lord, in your mercy.

Hear our prayers. 

For all the peoples of the world, that they might see the glory and power of your creation: “the earth is the Lord’s” and “those who dwell therein.” Our Father, you “laid the foundation of the earth in the beginning, and the heavens are the work of [your] hands.” “For by [you] all things were created…all things were created through [you] and for [you]…[you] are before all things, and in [you] all things hold together.”

For the body of Christ, that we may be stewards of the gifts you have given us. That we may prophesy, serve, teach, exhort, contribute, lead, and do acts of mercy. “…Since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles” and pursue your will wholeheartedly.

For ourselves – your people with whom you have entrusted with the gospel and who are bound to give an account – we pray for wise and discerning minds. “As each [of us] has received a special gift,” help us to “employ it in serving one another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God.”

May we be joyous caretakers of your creation. For it is written: “…whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully… God is able to make all grace abound to [us], so that having all sufficiency in all things at all times, [we] may abound in every good work.” “Not to us, Lord, not to us, but to your name be the glory, because of your love and faithfulness.”


TCC Featured Member - Jack

This week, we're following along with our new featured member, Jack. Make sure to check out our Instagram account to see life behind the lens with Jack. Here's a bit more about him and his life at TCC. 

What neighborhood do you live in?

What’s your occupation?
Financial Planner

What’s something a lot of people don’t know about you?
I love to FaceTime people instead of calling them.
What's your favorite thing about living in the Twin Cities?
I really love being able to walk with the family to a lot of places in the neighborhood, and having everything be nice and close.

How long have you attended TCC?
5 years

What’s something you appreciate about TCC?
I really appreciate the way that the relationships I have with church members are not just limited to Sunday morning. Our church family has become the people we live life with throughout the week.

TCC Featured Member - Whitney

We are kicking off a new campaign to learn more about some of the people who make up our church family. This week, our featured TCC Member is Whitney. Read more about Whitney below and make sure to check out the TCC Instagram account to see what life looks like from Whitney's eyes. 

What neighborhood do you live in?
The best one: West 7th

What’s your occupation?
Photographer/Stay-at-home Mom

What’s something a lot of people don’t know about you?
I used to rogue milo fields every summer when I was a kid

What's your favorite thing about living in the Twin Cities?
Farmers Markets

How long have you attended TCC?
6 years

What’s something you appreciate about TCC?
Our care for one another and how TCC has become our family

Character Restoration Series

We all struggle between the person we are and the person we want to be. That struggle may be with discontentment, resentment, anxiety, or disapproval (with self or from others). This series considers the impact of sin on our character and the restoration of our character through the power of Christ. When Jesus restores our character, he restores us to be truly human. 

Here is an overview of the series:

Week 1 (01/08): A Hopeful and Realistic Pathway of Character Restoration (Romans 7:9-8:39)

Week 2 (01/15): From Discontentment to Learning Contentment (Philippians 4:10-20)

Week 3 (01/22): From Resentment to Practicing Forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-35)

Week 4 (01/29): From Anxiety to Seeking the Kingdom (Matthew 6:25-34)

Week 5 (02/05): From Trying to Please Others to Serving Christ (Galatians 1:6-10)

Light of Life, Dispel My Darkness - A Christmas Prayer

Here is a prayer from our Christmas Eve service (quoted from The Worship Sourcebook)

Come and stand amazed, you people,
see how God is reconciled!
See his plans of love accomplished,
see his gift, this newborn child.
See the Mighty, weak and tender,
see the Word who now is mute.
See the Sovereign without splendor,
see the Fullness destitute;
the Beloved, whom we covet,
in a state of low repute.
See how humankind received him;
see him wrapped in swaddling bands,
who as Lord of all creation
rules the wind by his commands.
See him lying in a manger
without sign of reasoning;
Word of God to flesh surrendered,
he is wisdom’s crown, our King.
See how tender our Defender
at whose birth the angels sing.
O Lord Jesus, God incarnate,
who assumed this humble form,
counsel me and let my wishes
to your perfect will conform.
Light of life, dispel my darkness,
let your frailty strengthen me;
let your meekness give me boldness,
let your burden set me free;
let your sadness give me gladness,
let your death be life for me. Amen.

Candlelight Service, 2016

Candlelight Service, 2016

Christmas Day Services at Partner Churches

Trinity City Church is having a Candlelight Service on Christmas Eve at 7pm, but we're not gathering Christmas Day for services. If you're in town, and looking for a place to gather for Christmas Day, then consider these partner churches.

Nearby Partner Churches

These partner churches are less than two miles from where we meet.

CityLife Church - this local church is gathering at 10am in the MacGrove neighborhood (225 Cleveland Ave. S., St Paul 55105).


Cities Church - this local church is gathering at 10am right across the river in the Longfellow community. They meet at Minnehaha Academy North (3100 West River Parkway Minneapolis 55406). 

Sister Churches

Trinity City Church is a plant of Hope Community Church (who is also having Christmas Day services at 10am). Here is a list of the sister churches having Christmas Day services:

Hiawatha Church - This local church is gathering at 10am in the Longfellow community (4155 41st Ave S, Minneapolis, MN 55406). 

Antioch Community Church - This local church is gathering at 10am in NE Minneapolis. They meet at the Ukrainian Event Center (301 Main St NE • Minneapolis, MN 55413). 

Grafted Community Church - this local church is gathering at 7pm in NE Minneapolis. They meet at All Nations Baptist Church (1300 Lowry Ave NE, Minneapolis, MN 55418). 

hiawathaLogoRound 2.jpg

A Post-Election Prayer

One of our deacons wrote this prayer, and read it for Call to Worship on Sunday, November 13th. 

Heavenly Father, we are a nation divided. We have been increasingly so for a long time, but this year laid it bare in new and unexpected ways. I admit that I have sometimes looked to a political solution for things I should have looked to you for. As it says in Jeremiah 2:13, I have forsaken you and turned to broken cisterns that hold no water. Forgive me.  

Lord, where division has occurred in families like mine…someone on all sides and even the sidelines…where there is hurt or misunderstanding between generations or brothers and sisters….as it says in Malachi 4:6, I ask that you would turn the hearts of fathers to their children and children to their fathers. 

Within our neighborhoods, there are those who voted differently than us--who may have no interest in bridging the divide. As far as it is up to us, as it says in Romans 12:18, let us live in peace with everyone. 

It is hard to love those we don’t understand; please as you tell us to ask for in James 1:5, give us wisdom to know how to communicate in peace. 

There are those who are afraid--truly afraid because of the outcome. Please give us an opening to speak, and to weep with those who weep [Romans 12:15]. "How we treat the people that are anxious and afraid over this new presidency will reveal how much like Jesus we really are" [quoted from here]. 

For our outgoing president and our new president-elect, I know that the heart of the leader is in the hand of the Lord. (Proverbs 21:1) I pray that you would give him and his advisers health and wisdom. I pray too that you would be glorified in the next four years, that it would be your name that is praised, your will that is done. 

In Jesus name we pray. Amen. 

Getting Through the 2016 Twin Cities Marathon

This Sunday the runners in the Twin Cities Marathon will be going through our neighborhood via Summit Avenue. If you're coming to the Sunday Gathering from north of Summit, then you'll have no problem getting to the church building. However, if you're coming from south of Summit or from south Minneapolis, then you may have some of your typical routes blocked off. Here is what we recommend:

  • Get on Ayd Mill Road from St. Clair, then take St. Clair to the end of Ayd Mill, which will then merge onto Selby. Here is a map of the suggested route.
  • If you're coming from south Minneapolis, then you may want to travel north to I-94 east and exit off of Snelling. Here is a map of the suggested route. 
  • Give yourself some extra time. The earlier you leave, the better. 
  • If you're able to bike to church, then you'll also have no problems getting there.

It's Time to Update the Sign

This old sign has communicated to our city three different ministries for many years. Church of the Good Shepherd (formally called First Trinity Methodist Church), which is the church who built this building in 1913 and owned it until 2012, first installed this sign. Then we rented this building beginning in 2010 and stripped their logo off to put our old logo up. When the building sold to a Nigerian ministry in 2012, another logo went over our old one. Finally, when we bought the building on the last day of 2015, we took down the former owner's sign to find our old logo still there.

When you look closely at this sign you see remnants of these three ministries. It's interesting history but not good to look at. It's time to take down this sign to put up a new one now that we own the property. We want to communicate through this sign who we are and that this building is our home. Below is a mockup of the new sign that a company will install in the next couple months.

Like any good sign, may this one point beyond itself to this church community God is growing to bring renewal to our city and world.


A Tommie is Called to Paris

Maggie Rudorfer is a recent graduate of the University of Saint Thomas (UST), and attended Trinity City Church while she was a Tommie. In this short Q & A, Maggie shares what is next for her and how we can support her.

How did Cru at UST impact your faith?

During my freshman year, Jesus Christ completely captivated my heart after truly grasping the Gospel, and I became heavily involved with Cru, a Christian organization on campus.

As I grew in my relationship with the Lord, I learned how to share my faith and help new believers grow in their walks with Him. It has been exciting to see God use me to reach others with the Gospel and I have realized that people all over the world need to hear about Christ’s love for them.

How did you connect with Trinity City Church? What role did this local church play during your time at UST?

I first connected with Trinity City Church during the Spring Semester of my freshman year while attending the University of Saint Thomas after being invited by a few close friends. Throughout my years at UST, Trinity City Church became a place that allowed so much growth in my walk with the Lord, as I set out to experience what it meant to truly have a relationship with Jesus Christ.

Now that you graduated, what do you believe the Lord is calling you to do next?

After earnestly praying for God to use me however He wanted after I graduated, I learned of an opportunity to go to Paris, France for an internship with Cru to reach college students with the Gospel. Paris is known to be the City of Lights, but when it comes to spirituality and faith, this city is known to be extremely dark. There is apathy towards the Gospel, but the Lord has been moving tremendously in this city. I decided to say yes to this opportunity, and I cannot wait to be a part of what the Lord is doing in this city.

What do you hope to accomplish in Paris?

My desire is to see the Gospel intersect the lives of students in Paris as they are given the opportunity to have a personal, life transforming relationship with Christ and experience intentional community. My desire is that the City of Lights would become a Light to the World!

How can others partner with you?

Like many other mission organizations, Cru does not have central funds to pay for staff and interns. I must find a team of people to partner with me in reaching the students of Paris both prayerfully and financially.

As I take this large step of faith to serve the Lord in ministry overseas, would you prayerfully consider partnering with me to see the Gospel go forth in France?

If you desire to give, there are two options for giving:

  1. Committing to giving an amount monthly while I’m in Paris

  2. Giving a one-time gift

Both options can be done online through my give page:

I pray that you will consider joining my ministry team both prayerfully and financially. At this point, I am extremely close to reaching my goal, but would love help in finishing by next week! If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to ask! Email me here!

Snow Cones & Prayer at Bastille Day

David Berglund, who is a member of Trinity City Church and the Snellby Community Group, writes about his Community Group's participation in Bastille Day in Merriam Park. David and his wife Chelsea write about film and art at their blog Movie Matrimony.

Some of the Trinity City Church volunteers at Bastille Day in Merriam Park

Some of the Trinity City Church volunteers at Bastille Day in Merriam Park

The Twin Cities are particularly apt at taking advantage of our summers. There are countless activities and festivals that pepper our cityscape throughout these cherished warm months and there is a seemingly innate understanding of the importance in taking full advantage of such agreeable weather.

Yet, when tragedy strikes our city and our world, it makes these moments bittersweet. While it is not helpful to wallow in lament, it can also seem insensitive to revel when others in the world are mourning. Perhaps there were not better examples of this tension than the several Bastille Day celebrations that took place over the weekend. Events that were built to celebrate our local communities and honor French culture were held only days after a similar French celebrations in Nice were rocked by unspeakable violence.

A family gets some snow cones. 

A family gets some snow cones. 

Our Community Group saw this as an opportunity to offer our support through prayer and invite others to do the same. So, we handed out snow cones on a hot day, took prayer requests, and asked through simple prayer cards that our Twin Cities neighbors, who are no strangers to pain, pray for France.

The prayer we provided is universal, and is fitting for any people seeking comfort when facing difficult questions in the face of pain:

Father God. We are struck by the convergence of brokenness and beauty in the world--how small and helpless we feel in the midst of both. In the wake of yet another incredible tragedy, we ask that You bring great healing, compassion, peace, and unity to Nice, to France, and to the world, even as we are angry and frustrated and uncertain as to where You are in the midst of this messy life. May Your Loving Spirit dwell in and among the people of Nice to bring restoration. Let us know Your Gospel as one that unites people in renewing this Creation and ultimately brings all things closer to You through Your Son. Amen.

The prayer for Nice written by Chelsea Berglund.

The prayer for Nice written by Chelsea Berglund.

The Community Prayer Service at Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church

Matt Porter participated in the Community Prayer Service at Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church on July 11th along with others from Trinity City Church. Church leaders organized this time of prayer because of the tragic loss of lives in St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and Dallas. In this post, Matt summarizes this amazing evening of unity, lament, and prayer. Pictures are from Transform MN and Carl Nelson.  

Joining hands in prayer and unity.Photo credit: Carl Nelson

Joining hands in prayer and unity.

Photo credit: Carl Nelson

“Where sin runs deep, Your grace is more. Where grace is found is where You are. And where You are Lord I am free. Holiness is Christ in me.” On Monday night at 7:00, several hundred brothers and sisters in Christ from many races, generations, and congregations around the Twin Cities worshipped God together with these lyrics in the tightly packed sanctuary of Greater Friendship Missionary Baptist Church in Minneapolis.

Rev. Billy Russell speaks to the crowd.Photo Credit: Transform MN

Rev. Billy Russell speaks to the crowd.

Photo Credit: Transform MN

Greater Friendship Reverend Billy Russell, President of the Minnesota State Baptist Association, started the night’s discussion by impleading the church, “We need to be together at a time like this . . . This Christian life is a life of love, and that love is expressed in unity.” He spoke about the recent tearful tragedies in Dallas, Baton Rouge, and especially the Twin cities with the shooting deaths of Philando Castile and two-year-old Le’Vonte King Jason Jones. Reverend Russell encouraging the church that “As long as there is love, we will stand.”  

Pastor Jason Meyer of Bethlehem Baptist Church led congregants in lamenting not only recent events, but the larger history of the church’s toleration and even justification of slavery, discrimination, and a host of societal ills. He encouraged the church to gather at the throne of God. Only from strength found at the throne of God can we show the truest love and pair loving words with loving actions.  

Karl Nelson of the church-equipping ministry Transform Minnesota introduced local pastors and church leaders, including Bishop Richard Howell of Shiloh Temple International Ministries, Bethel’s Campus Pastor Laurel Bunker, and North Minneapolis community ministry Hope United’s Executive Director Reverend Richard Coleman, who led congregants in corporate and small-group prayer. Bishop Howell and Reverend Coleman referenced the story of Jesus’ weeping and raising Lazarus from the dead found in John 12, noting the importance of lamenting what the church has allowed our society to become, yet also trusting in the resurrection power of Jesus Christ.  

Pastor Bunker instructed “It’s important that the church be people out on the streets.” She encouraged Christians to think about places of darkness in society where we may be uncomfortable going, and praying for God to burden our souls with those communities until we take action. Pastor Bunker will be joining an expected one million people coming together in Washington, DC on July 16 to pray for our nation (more information at Reset 2016).

Reverend Alfred Babington-Johnson, CEO and President of the ministry Stairstep Foundation, reminded the church that “we have work to do” and read Ephesians 2:10: “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them (ESV).” He reported action steps that Pastors of the local African American Church Coalition have recently discussed and approved in order to combat violence in the community that is largely attributable to economic and educational deprivation of as well as discrimination against the African-American community. The four major action steps Reverend Babington-Johnson reported are:  

  1. Raise $100,000 over the next 12 months in order to put youth workers into the community.  $25,000 has already been raised toward this goal.

  2. Provide job training for former inmates, addicts, and others “folks coming out of the dark into the light.”

  3. Continue partnership with Stairstep, Merge, and other ministries and Minnesota legislators to secure GED funding.

  4. Train 100 pastors in “mental health first-aid” and equip black psychologists to better address the “state of trauma” that the African-American community is living in.  

Reverend Babington-Johnson encouraged local churches to join in prayer and cheerful giving in order to make these goals a reality. More information on this recent initiative can be found at Transform MN's website.  

After songs of worship, Urban Refuge Reverend Terrence Rollerson concluded the service with prayer. Many gathered stuck around after the service for fellowship and to make connections.

Feel like you missed out? Don’t worry—Reverend Billy Russell was happy to say “We’re gonna do this again.” Stay tuned at Transform MN for more information on future gatherings.

Pastor Jason Meyer address the crowd.Photo Credit: Transform MN. 

Pastor Jason Meyer address the crowd.

Photo Credit: Transform MN. 

A Prayer of Lament - For St. Paul, Baton Rouge, and Dallas

Here's the prayer of lament from yesterday's Sunday Gathering.

Why are you sleeping, O Lord? Awake! Why do you hide your face? Why do you forget the afflicted and oppressed? For our soul is bowed down to the dust; our bellies cling to the ground.

Our hearts are broken once again and our voices cry out. Our hearts mourn the death of Alton Sterling in Baton Rouge. Our hearts mourn the deaths of five Dallas police officers – Brent Thompson, Patrick Zamarripa, Michael Krol, Michael Smith, and Lorne Ahrens. Like Baton Rouge and Dallas, our city is in pain and despair because of the death of Philando Castile.

Lord, may we repent of the sin that kills and divides one another. May we turn away from prejudice and racism against another’s skin, and may we turn away from anger and hate towards another’s vocation.

May we turn away from using tragedy to stir up fear and hate, and may we turn away from using tragedy as an opportunity to divide rather than unite. Lord, once again, we keep turning against one another when we ought to be turning to you.

Help us, oh Lord, to understand the evil and sin in our own hearts. Help us see, and turn from the sin in us that seeks to destroy and divide. We need your forgiveness and your grace – all of us.

Give us the grace that is only found in the cross and empty tomb. Help us see your grace as the means by which peace will come to our city. Help us, oh Lord, find our role as peacemakers in this city.

We not only want to pray for the pain in our nation and city, but we also continue to bring before you the hurting in our church family. So we continue to lift up the [names and families in our local church]. Bring comfort and your healing power in their time of grief and sickness.

Lord, have mercy on us. Don’t be far away. We need the sacrifice of the cross to bring forgiveness and justice, and we need the power of the resurrection to bring restoration and renewal. We have no other hope for everlasting peace.

So rise up, O Lord. Come to our help! Redeem us for the sake of your steadfast love!

We pray this confidently in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.


Taking Action When Your City Groans

Crowds form outside of governor's mansion. 

Crowds form outside of governor's mansion. 

My city, like Baton Rouge and Dallas, is in deep pain and despair. These cities are groaning with the whole creation as in the pains of childbirth (Romans 8:22) because of the violence and injustice against Alton Sterling, Philando Castile, and the five officers killed in Dallas.

What can we do? What should we say? These are hard questions that need answers from many different voices and vantage points. I want to provide just one important answer as a pastor ministering in Saint Paul: Let’s pray.

Christians may hesitate to give this answer. In the aftermath of tragedy, some communicate a desire for more action, not just prayer. The assumption here is that if all Christians do is pray, then our hands are passively folded in sanctuaries rather than actively engaged in the public square. There is an element of truth in this critique of prayer. If prayer is one’s way of saying, “I wish you well,” then we do need more action.

However, the Scriptures teach both that prayer is an effective action in itself, and that prayer also leads to more action.

I’ve been praying much these last couple days. I got up yesterday morning and biked down to the governor’s mansion to pray, listen, and observe. My family and I went that evening to the vigil at J.J. Hill Montessori School as a local pastor led the crowd in a prayer of lament. We prayed while we marched from that school to the governor’s mansion. We drove to Larpenteur and Fry to lay flowers at the site of the shooting, and to pray and reflect.

This morning, I joined with church leaders from all over the city at a Saint Paul police station to pray for restoration. Looking around that room, I saw different generations, different ethnicities, and different races. In Christ, our differences made no difference as we united in prayer.

My experiences of prayer these last couples days are far from being inactive. Yet these experiences of prayer in my city are only a small part of the action of prayer. I have just described prayer on the horizontal level but not the vertical.

The Scriptures teach that our Father in heaven hears our prayers because of Jesus Christ our Lord (John 14:13-14), and the Holy Spirit helps us “when we don’t know what to pray for as we ought” (Romans 8:26). In prayer, we pour out our desires for everything we need, as our Lord taught us to pray (Matthew 6:9-13). Prayer not only changes us, but in prayer God calls us to change the world (Isaiah 6). Indeed, to “clasp the hands in prayer is the beginning of an uprising against the disorder of the world” (Karl Barth).

I don’t know all the answers right now. I’m still learning and listening from others about social and political solutions to these injustices. Finding solutions in these areas is important and necessary. However, what good are human solutions without the help of the one who holds all things together (Colossians 1:17)? What kind of reconciliation will we achieve without the one who reconciled to himself all things at the cross (Colossians 1:20)? The brokenness before us needs more than human strength and solutions. We need the strength of the one who defeated sin and death on the cross, and who reconciles us both to God and to one another. It will take the power of the resurrection to bring renewal to our groaning cities.

Jesus, we need you, and only you can help! May Saint Paul, Baton Rouge, and Dallas be as it is in heaven. And give us today what we need to bring about restoration in our communities.

So take action, church, by praying.  

Church leaders gather to pray at a Saint Paul police station.

Church leaders gather to pray at a Saint Paul police station.

This post is by Pastor Bryan Lair. 

Guest Speaker: John Stromberg

John Stromberg will be giving the message on July 10, 2016. John is the Pastor for Church Multiplication at Centennial Evangelical Free Church (CEFC) in Forest Lake, MN. 

John has a long history with CEFC.  He came up through our youth group before becoming lead teacher for The Edge while working on a degree in Biblical Studies at the University of Northwestern, Saint Paul.  After graduating from Trinity Evangelical Divinity School with an M.Div. in 2013, he came on staff at Centennial to advance church multiplication through the development of Gospel Communities. John is married to Dena and they live in Columbia Heights. His hobbies include reading and amateur photography. 

The bio and picture comes from Centennial's website

A Prayer of Lament - For Orlando and Charleston

Last Sunday, we offered this prayer of lament in light of the tragedy in Orlando against the LGBTQ community, and one year since the shooting in Charleston against an African-American church. What is a lament? From The Worship Sourcebook

The biblical psalms feature several remarkable expressions of lament. In these laments, the worshiping community expresses grief and frustration at the brokenness of the world, even in situations in which the community is not directly culpable or blameworthy. These biblical laments witness to God’s desire for honesty in worship. No experience in life is too difficult to be brought before God.

Here is our prayer of lament (with language from Psalm 10):


Why, O Lord, do you stand far away? Why do you hide yourself in times of trouble? The wicked are pursuing the innocent and crushing the helpless. Those made in your image are being murdered.

Our hearts break because of the violence against the LGBTQ community in Orlando. Our hearts continue to break one year later because of the violence against an African American church in Charleston. Our hearts break because of war in places like Syria, and because refugees fleeing the violence cannot find a place of refuge from those who could offer it. All over the world, human beings are violently attacked because of differences in creed, orientation, gender, ethnicity, or skin color.

And even in moments of tragedy, we don’t unify against injustice, but rather viciously attack those different from us, or use times of injustice to promote our own agendas, platforms, or political standpoints. Lord, we keep turning against one another when we ought to be turning to you.

Lord, have mercy on us. Don’t be far away. We need the sacrifice of the cross to bring forgiveness and justice, and we need the power of the resurrection to bring restoration and renewal. We have no other hope for everlasting peace.

Lord, we know that you reign forever and ever; the wicked will perish under your might. O Lord, you hear the desires of the afflicted; you will strengthen their hearts, you will incline your ear to do justice to the fatherless and the oppressed, so that violent people may strike terror no more.

We pray this confidently in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Great Faith?

Jole Miller is a part of Trinity City Church and an alumnus of Macalester College. He gave us permission to repost his article, "Great Faith?" The article makes the same point as a recent sermon at Trinity City Church. 

It’s not the size of our faith that matters, but it is much more important who or what you put your faith in. Let me explain by way of a story.

There are two men who need to get across a great divide, say the Grand Canyon. Each man gets to pick one animal to carry them across. The first man grabs his animal and runs and jumps over the edge. The second man is trembling, inching his way towards the edge. With much fear and hesitation, he finally scoots himself off the edge. Who had the greater faith? Obviously man number one, right? However, there is one important detail I left out: what animal did they choose? Man number one chose a hummingbird while man number two had one of the giant eagles from Lord of the Rings. Although man number one displayed great faith, he put his faith in something that could not bring him to the promised land, so to speak. And although man two had very little faith, he put what faith he did have in a mighty creature who was very capable of completing the task.

There are times in my life when I am like both of these men. Sometimes I put my faith in friends or sports or my education and think my happiness and satisfaction comes from those things. In these moments I am the first man. Great faith, but in the wrong god. Other times I am like man two, doubting God, not trusting his promises, afraid that he won’t provide for me. It’s in these moments when I finally step off the ledge when I realize how big God is and how foolish I am not to trust him. I guess that’s why all you need is faith the size of a mustard seed to move mountains, because our God is so great.

I hope this analogy challenges and encourages. If you are like man one, putting your hope and worth in things that aren’t Christ (significant others, sports, good looks, good deeds) repent and come to the only one who can bring true happiness. If you are like man two, take heart and rejoice that our salvation is not determined by the size of our faith, rather it is in Jesus Christ dying for our sins and resurrecting to ensure our debt has been paid. I know most of us wish we had greater faith, and that is a good thing to want. But also know that God is a good God and will use your small faith to do mighty things.

I guess my prayer is the same that the man in Mark 9 told Jesus, “I believe; help my unbelief!” Abba, I believe my sins are forgiven. I know I am your son and you will never leave me; but help me when I think I am too broken for you to want me. I believe you will provide for me financially, but help my unbelief. I believe you have given me the power to change the world through your Holy Spirit, but help me when I feel like I can do nothing when faced with the seemingly insurmountable brokenness in the world. May you increase and me decrease. Amen!

Summer Connecting and a Prayer Quilt

If you had told me a year ago that I would have a yard full of Trinity folks at my house on a Thursday night, I would have thought, “Well, it wouldn't have happened because I probably didn't even know these people at that time.”

I remember when I first came to TCC last summer. I came because of my love of Jenna. I came to pray with my friend. I cried. I wanted to come again. I came again. I brought my family. I stayed. I'm still here.

That is the power of relationship, of connection. Our lives have been changed by that one invitation, from Jenna, to know her a little better. My hope is that a million of those little moments happen for all of us as we gather in homes and yards this summer to know one another a little better.

At the first social, I learned that Lisa is from Apple Valley, Jole is only leaving us for a year, and Rachel had a rough Thursday. I learned Reed was not married to Laurel, McKenzie comes from an island, and Marshal had a bike accident. Pete and Sara grew up near the town Steve and I used to live in, and Megan remembered that I did not get to try her amazing dessert last time she made it – so she brought it again and gave me the first piece. Greg doesn't mind being by himself. 

I imagine our entering into covenant membership with you all as reflecting some of the vows I made when Steve and I married. We are together for better for worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish – or at least, I would like to aspire to that. We prayed over the quilt made for Sonja in that very spirit. She is our sister in Christ and she counts on us to hold her in prayer as we love and cherish her in this time of sickness.

We did it. We connected. What a great time that was. Thanks for coming. Y'all are really a great community. We are grateful to be following Christ with you.


Liz & Family

This post is written by Liz Palmer, who hosted the first Summer Social with her family and Community Group. 

Commissioning the Class of 2016

In Christ, we are stewards who integrate our faith with our work. This Christian identity is vital in our ability to carry out the mission to make disciples who join God as he makes all things new. Annually, we highlight our identity as stewards by commissioning graduates who are about to begin their careers or go on for more studies. Just as many churches commission missionaries into the mission field, so too we commission graduates into the marketplace. 

This last Sunday, we commissioned students from the University of Saint Thomas, Macalester College, Saint Catherine University, and the University of Minnesota. These are students with degrees in medicine, science, education, archaeology, engineering, and business. Many are graduating with bachelor degrees and some with doctorate degrees. All of them have a vision to enter into the marketplace in order to glorify God and work for the common good of their neighbor. 

May our Lord bless the work of their hands for his glory!