TCC Featured Member - Jack

This week, we're following along with our new featured member, Jack. Make sure to check out our Instagram account to see life behind the lens with Jack. Here's a bit more about him and his life at TCC. 

What neighborhood do you live in?

What’s your occupation?
Financial Planner

What’s something a lot of people don’t know about you?
I love to FaceTime people instead of calling them.
What's your favorite thing about living in the Twin Cities?
I really love being able to walk with the family to a lot of places in the neighborhood, and having everything be nice and close.

How long have you attended TCC?
5 years

What’s something you appreciate about TCC?
I really appreciate the way that the relationships I have with church members are not just limited to Sunday morning. Our church family has become the people we live life with throughout the week.