This last Sunday we began a new sermon series on The Pastoral Epistles (1&2 Timothy, Titus) that will go until June of 2025.
The Pastoral Epistles (i.e. “letters”) are some of the apostle Paul’s final words to his young apprentices in ministry, Timothy and Titus. Paul is on death row on account of preaching the gospel and starting churches in the Greco-Roman world–a high calling that is now being passed down in the context of a hostile host culture. Though we don’t face anywhere near the same level of persecution the apostles and first century Christians did, we are called to steward the health and vibrancy of the Church by the grace of God. Faced with intense criticism and internal threats, Paul urged Timothy and Titus to love this local church consistently, even during difficult times. We should do the same.
Paul spends a good amount of time telling Timothy and Titus about how the church should be governed in order to promote its flourishing. In this letter, Paul addresses various topics, including the qualifications of church leaders, the qualities of godly individuals, financial matters, and the church's relationship with the government. While these subjects may have diverse applications within the global Church, the common goal for all Christians is empowering the local church and her members to fulfill God’s purposes through the Holy Spirit.
Through this series, may the Holy Spirit minister to you as you grow in your love and knowledge of the gospel. May your hearts, minds, and souls be nurtured by sound doctrine. May you be spurred onto genuine Christian love and good works that benefit both saint and sinner. Most importantly, may the Pastoral Epistles deepen your relationship with the Triune God and equip you to accomplish His mission through the Church.
Series graphic designed by Jacob Drebelbis.