Hebrews 13:1-10
A Unified Gathering in a Divided World
John 17:20-26
God’s Fullness in an Empty World
Ephesians 1:15-23
A Sanctuary for an Exhausted World
Psalm 63
God's Mission for the Life of the World
John 6:41-51
A Song of Grateful Praise
Psalm 100
The Holy King
Psalm 99
The Saving King
Psalm 98
The Righteous King
Psalm 97
The Glorious King
Psalm 96
Church is not a Spectator Sport
Matthew 16:13-23
Loving Those in the World
Romans 12:14-21
Loving Those in the Church
Romans 12:9-13
Psalm 95
Psalm 95
Psalm 94
Psalm 94
Psalm 93
Psalm 93
Psalm 92
Psalm 92
Beatitudes - Part 2
Matthew 5:1-12
Beatitudes - Part 1
Psalm 91
Text: Psalm 91